Five lessons I've learned this year...
1. Let Go - Stop concerning yourself with what everyone else is doing or things you can't do anything about and focus only on what you can control.
2. Make Room - All the things (new energy, friends, growth, adventure, opportunity, abundance) are patiently waiting to come into your life, but only if there's room.
3. Move On - No matter how hard it may be, movement is healing, so get moving. You're here, and deserve to be happy, so leave that stuff behind (whatever it may be).
4. Do You - Know you're not for everyone and that's ok. Just be you and stop trying to gain the approval of people who you know down deep just aren't that into you. Only then will you find your people, and together, you'll take off!
5. Honor Your Magic - This is hard, but not everyone deserves your energy or attention. You are a finite resource. So, spend your time and care on those who love and appreciate you too, and will fill your cup in return.
Match energy for energy, magic for magic.