Gah. I reject my perfectionist tendencies. I reject waiting for my hair to be just right before sharing a pic. I reject looking at those extra pounds and being so disappointed in myself that I feel frozen and unable to do something about it. I reject thinking for hours about the few words I wish I could change in something I wrote and mailed or a video that I made and posted for my team. And I definitely reject editing my status which, as a writer, is near impossible, but "near" is the operative word here, people. This is small unworthy thinking that is not supportive of the big life I'm building. So, here I am. No makeup, puffy cheeks, hair frizzing to oblivion. I promise that I will not edit what I've wrote or kick myself for having distanced my body from its goal weight. I will get back into a workout routine but still love myself along the way. So, what about you? I cannot be alone in this. Give me your no makeup, crappy hair day selfies, guys, or at least tell me what perfectionist BS you're kicking to the curb TODAY. I'm moving on from these limiting lies we tell ourselves, so let's do it together!